Holding the potentiality of high profits, penny stocks are considered as the newest sector of investment in today’s time. They are capable of giving high profits as well as avoiding high losses. The loss potential of these stocks is lower due to their low value which is under five dollars per share.
Though the returns from penny stocks come in unbelievable percentages, yet your opportunities for making high profits will be minimized if you trade only one stock. A single stock would not serve the purpose of making you financially independent, as the purchase value of these stocks are absolutely low. For making a relative gain from these stocks, you should think dealing with a few of the high performing stocks.
To be a successful trader of penny stocks, you are required to know the right stocks to purchase, the duration for holding back the stock and finally let it go when it is at its pick level. Well, I understand that these are not easy things to be done. But you can always seek a stock market expert who would advice you on the same. There are many online stock analysts who offer advice on these stocks against a fee. Many of them have launched newsletters and alert services for keeping their subscribers updated with the latest news about the stock market. These newsletters offer news about the probable mergers also.
But for a general consideration, I can say that the best stock is the stock which is able to offer you high profits against low investment within a stipulated period of time, holding a stock for long time for making a good profit does not sound good in case of the fast movers. When any stock is at its lowest level, then be sure to purchase it and make sure that you keep it hold until it touches the highest possible price.